Life science, or biology, is an essential school subject. Nature science activities make great back to school lesson plans. K
ids often hate science because it's taught from boring textbooks in meaningless paper-and-pencil activities. Rediscover the inherent fascination of life science this summer with hands-on experiments and crafts. Teach green, using recycled supplies.
* Seasonal nature journals: You can't learn much about life science sitting at desks indoors. Take nature hikes. Use binoculars and field guides to identify observed flora and fauna. Sketch pictures of plants and animals in their dwellings and habitats. Note when and where they were discovered. Note animal characteristics: body covering, markings, camouflage, behavior, adaptation, offspring, endothermic-exothermic. Look for evidence of insects at different stages: larva, pupa, chrysalis, metamorphosis. Watch for spiders' webs. Note plant and tree characteristics: seasonal, poisonous, developmental stage (germination, leaf, flower, fruit, seed). Teach kids to tread lightly and observe closely. Outdoor Summer Life Science Activities, Biology Nature Crafts